Show Respect |
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Walk to the building
- Use kind words to greet friends and staff
- Use a Level 1 voice in the gym
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Use a Level 0 voice when walking
- Respect classroom learning
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Listen and follow adult directions
- Use kind words
- Walk in the courtyards
- Use a Level 3 voice
- Sit on bench, with knees under the table
- Listen and follow adult directions
- Use kind words
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Use a Level 1-2 voice
- Use a Level 1 voice
- One (1) person in a stall
- Lock and unlock the door
- Keep hands, feet, and belonging to yourself
- Follow crossing guards directions
- Say, "Good-bye" to the staff member when you see your adult
Solve Problems |
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Keep the school clean
- Report big problems to adults
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Level 1 voice is problem-solving with an adult
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Report bug problems to adults
- Be willing to talk it out
- Have a positive attitude
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Keep the lunchroom clean
- Be willing to talk it out
- Have a positive attitude
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Report big problems to adults
- Keep the floor and walls clean
- Use Kelso's Choices
- Report big problems to adults
Make Responsible Decisions |
- Go directly to breakfast or line up
- Enter through front and cafeteria doors
- Be on time
- Walk with eyes facing forward
- Stay with your class or group
- Use a hallway pass
- Line up when you hear the whistle
- Return equipment when you are finished
- Play within the boundaries (play area)
- Use the bathroom clip
- Raise your hand for support
- Use the bathroom clip
- Throw away garbage and wipe your table
- Walk, follow lines, and wait your turn
- Only toilet paper goes in the toilet and flush after use
- Use 1 pump of soap
- Use 1 paper towel and place in garbage
- Only 1 boy and 1 girls from each class at a time
- Walk with your class to the bus loop or parent pick-up
- Be aware of vehicles
- Use the crosswalks
- Stay on the sidewalks